About the statistics

These statistics are published so that project members can get a feel for how the server is put to use and also to see how many page views or downloads their particular files have. Please note that we do not keep aggregating these statistics beyond what is currently displayed so as log entries are rolled into archives on the file system they will disappear from these files. This means that if you are interested in statistics over a longer period of time you should probably download these files regularly. Let us know if there's something we can do.



Number of projects hosted: [an error occurred while processing this directive]


Number of user accounts: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Average number of members per project: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Highest member count: [an error occurred while processing this directive] ([an error occurred while processing this directive])


Apache: Webalizer
Apache # hits: MRTG
Apache bytes transferred: MRTG
Checkbot (link verifier): Checkbot ([an error occurred while processing this directive] bad links)
Downloads per file: http-download-stats.txt top


Postfix: MRTG
Number of mailinglists: [an error occurred while processing this directive]
System notifications: system-notifications top


Transfer statistics: rsync-transfer-stats.txt
Transfer statistics per file: rsync-transfer-stats-per-file.txt top


Processes: MRTG
Load averages: MRTG
Memory: MRTG
Uptime: MRTG
Diskspace (sda1): MRTG
Diskspace (sda2): MRTG
Latency (against google.com): MRTG