Note: Mod-1 is the Meta or Alt key

Main mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Mod-1 0 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 9 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 8 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 7 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 6 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 5 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 4 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 3 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 2 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 1 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Control Less Switch to editing mode (second mode)
Mod-1 T Switch to editing mode (second mode)
Control Escape Close or kill the current window (ask before doing anything)
Mod-1 B Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen
Mod-1 Shift L2 Show all frames info windows
Shift L2 Show all frames info windows until a key is release
Control L2 Hide/Unhide a terminal
Control F10 Present all windows in all frames (An expose like)
F10 Present all windows in currents roots (An expose like)
Control Shift F10 Show/Hide the root frame
Mod-1 F10 Switch between two layouts
Mod-1 Shift Home Switch and select the root frame
Mod-1 Home Switch to the root frame
Mod-1 Control Page_down Raise the child in the current frame
Mod-1 Control Page_up Lower the child in the current frame
Mod-1 Page_down Select the next child in the current frame
Mod-1 Page_up Select the previous child in the current frame
Mod-5 Return Maximize/Unmaximize the current frame in its parent frame
Mod-1 Control Return Maximize/Unmaximize the current frame in its parent frame
Mod-1 Shift Return Leave the selected frame - ie make its parent the root frame
Mod-1 Return Enter in the selected frame - ie make it the root frame
Mod-1 Control Tab Select the next subchild
Mod-1 Shift Tab Select the previous child
Mod-1 Tab Select the next child
Mod-1 Control Down Select spatially the nearest brother of the current child in the down direction
Mod-1 Control Up Select spatially the nearest brother of the current child in the up direction
Mod-1 Control Right Select spatially the nearest brother of the current child in the right direction
Mod-1 Control Left Select spatially the nearest brother of the current child in the left direction
Mod-1 Up Select the next level in frame
Mod-1 Down Select the previous level in frame
Mod-1 Left Select the previous brother
Mod-1 Right Select the next brother
Mod-1 Control Shift Home Exit clfswm
Mod-1 F1 Open the help and info window

Mouse buttons actions in main mode

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Mod-1 Control Shift 5 Increment slowly the child under mouse transparency
Mod-1 Control Shift 4 Decrement slowly the child under mouse transparency
Mod-1 Control 5 Increment the child under mouse transparency
Mod-1 Control 4 Decrement the child under mouse transparency
Mod-1 5 Leave the selected frame - ie make its parent the root frame
Mod-1 4 Enter in the selected frame - ie make it the root frame
5 Select the previous level in frame
4 Select the next level in frame
Mod-1 Control 1 Move the child under the mouse cursor to another frame
Mod-1 Shift 3 Resize (constrained by other frames) and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window
Mod-1 Shift 1 Move (constrained by other frames) and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window
Mod-1 3 Resize and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window
Mod-1 1 Move and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window
3 Resize and focus the current frame or focus the current window parent. Or do actions on corners
2 Do actions on corners
1 Move and focus the current frame or focus the current window parent. Or do actions on corners

Second mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Control T Decrement the current window transparency
Control Shift T Increment the current window transparency
Mod-1 0 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 9 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 8 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 7 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 6 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 5 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 4 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 3 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 2 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 1 Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)
Mod-1 Shift L2 Show all frames info windows
Shift L2 Show all frames info windows until a key is release
Control F10 Present all windows in all frames (An expose like)
F10 Present all windows in currents roots (An expose like)
Control Shift F10 Show/Hide the root frame
Mod-1 F10 Switch between two layouts
Control E start an emacs for another user
E start emacs
T start an xterm
Delete Delete the current child and its children in all frames
Control Delete Remove the current child from its parent frame
Control Shift V Paste the selection in the current frame - Do not clear the selection after paste
Control V Paste the selection in the current frame
Control C Copy the current child to the selection
Mod-1 Control X Clear the current selection
Control X Cut the current child to the selection
Control Escape Close or kill the current window (ask before doing anything)
Control Minus Decrease slowly the tile layout size
Control Plus Increase slowly the tile layout size
Minus Decrease the tile layout size
Plus Increase the tile layout size
Control A Add a frame in the parent frame (and reorganize parent frame)
A Add a default frame in the current frame
Control O Open the next window in a new frame in the root frame
O Open the next window in a new frame in the parent frame
Mod-1 B Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen
Menu Show/Hide the root frame
Mod-1 Shift Home Switch and select the root frame
Mod-1 Home Switch to the root frame
Mod-1 Page_down Raise the child in the current frame
Mod-1 Page_up Lower the child in the current frame
Mod-5 Return Maximize/Unmaximize the current frame in its parent frame
Mod-1 Control Return Maximize/Unmaximize the current frame in its parent frame
Mod-1 Shift Return Leave the selected frame - ie make its parent the root frame
Mod-1 Return Enter in the selected frame - ie make it the root frame
Tab Store the current child and switch to the previous one
Mod-1 Control Tab Select the next subchild
Mod-1 Shift Tab Select the previous child
Mod-1 Tab Select the next child
Control Down Reset speed mouse coordinates
Control Up Revert to the first speed move mouse
Control Left Undo last speed mouse move
Up Speed move mouse to up
Down Speed move mouse to down
Left Speed move mouse to left
Right Speed move mouse to right
Control Page_down Rotate root geometry to previous root
Control Page_up Rotate root geometry to next root
Page_down Select the previous root
Page_up Select the next root
Shift H Anti rotate brother frame geometry
H Rotate brother frame geometry
J Swap current brother frame geometry
Mod-1 Control Down Select spatially the nearest brother of the current child in the down direction
Mod-1 Control Up Select spatially the nearest brother of the current child in the up direction
Mod-1 Control Right Select spatially the nearest brother of the current child in the right direction
Mod-1 Control Left Select spatially the nearest brother of the current child in the left direction
Mod-1 Up Select the next level in frame
Mod-1 Down Select the previous level in frame
Mod-1 Left Select the previous brother
Mod-1 Right Select the next brother
Mod-1 Control Shift Home Exit clfswm
Shift T Tile the current frame
Escape Leave second mode
Return Leave second mode
Exclam Run a program from the query input
Colon Eval a lisp form from the query input
I Identify a key
K Close or kill the current window (ask before doing anything)
Q Close focus window: Delete the focus window in all frames and workspaces
Control G Stop all pending actions
X Update layout managed children position
C Open the child menu
R Open the root menu
P Open the frame movement menu (pack/fill/resize)
U Open the action by number menu
N Open the action by name menu
W Open the window menu
F Open the frame menu
Control Less Open the main menu
Less Open the main menu
M Open the main menu
Mod-1 F1 Open the help and info window

Mouse buttons actions in second mode

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Mod-1 5 Leave the selected frame - ie make its parent the root frame
Mod-1 4 Enter in the selected frame - ie make it the root frame
5 Select the previous level in frame
4 Select the next level in frame
Mod-1 Control 1 Move the child under the mouse cursor to another frame
Mod-1 Shift 3 Resize (constrained by other frames) and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window
Mod-1 Shift 1 Move (constrained by other frames) and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window
Mod-1 3 Resize and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window
Mod-1 1 Move and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window
3 Resize and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window. Or do corners actions
2 Do actions on corners
1 Move and focus the current child - Create a new frame on the root window. Or do corners actions

Info mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Page_up Move ten lines up
Page_down Move ten lines down
End Move to last line
Home Move to first line
Right Move one char right
Left Move one char left
Up Move one line up
Down Move one line down
Twosuperior Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen
Control G Leave the info mode
Escape Leave the info mode
Space Leave the info mode and valid the selected item
Mod-2 Kp_enter Leave the info mode and valid the selected item
Return Leave the info mode and valid the selected item
Q Leave the info mode

Mouse buttons actions in info mode

Modifiers Key/Button Function
5 Move one line down
4 Move one line up
3 Leave the info mode
2 Leave the info mode

Circulate mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function
Mod-1 Left Select the previous borther
Mod-1 Right Select the next brother
Mod-1 Shift Iso_left_tab Select the previous child
Mod-1 Shift Tab Select the previous child
Mod-1 Control Tab Select the next subchild
Mod-1 Tab Select the next child
Mod-1 Control G Leave the circulate mode
Mod-1 Escape Leave the circulate mode
Control G Leave the circulate mode
Escape Leave the circulate mode

Expose windows mode keys

Modifiers Key/Button Function

Mouse buttons actions in expose windows mode

Modifiers Key/Button Function

This documentation was produced with the CLFSWM auto-doc functions. To reproduce it, use the produce-doc-html-in-file or the produce-all-docs function from the Lisp REPL.

Something like this:
LISP> (in-package :clfswm)
CLFSWM> (produce-doc-html-in-file "my-keys.html")
CLFSWM> (produce-all-docs)